Drone Media

Solar Energy


Solar Energy is the most popular in the alternate energy today. Solar energy grew at a rate of 34% in the recent years in India. The social and economical acceptance of solar as a source of energy is at all time high. The three critical stages of enjoying solar power are surveying the location before the pricings are given and this is called the pre installation report, then comes the installation and lastly the maintenance, and these are not without challenges.


Topography survey of large solar farms or even a small location involves people, equipment and time. Thus pre installation survey takes time and giving an estimate to a client takes weeks. This costs effort, time and money.

Next, when the installation is on, site engineers have to be posted on site to monitor the progress. And the client has no idea of the progress of other than what is communicated by site engineers without any concrete data. The last critical stage of maintenance consists of continous challenge. Involving high operational costs. Preventive maintenance is quite expensive , therefore when there is a breakdown, it comes with high costs. 

How the specific drone can be helpful in Solar Energy ?

When topographic survey is done by a drone, it gives accurate data for positioning of solar panels for maximum sunlight, any civil work that needs to be done before preparing the site for installation and many such minute details which takes effort and time to collate. More ever this data can be preserved. Thus giving a quote, creating a deployable design takes absolutely no time.

Installation progress can very easily be monitored by site engineers without having to be on site. Maintenance can be done with easy as periodic inspections of the site can give advance information of malfunction or wear and tear. Thus ensuring low to almost no down time to customers.

Why UAV Concepts?

UAV Concepts with its huge network of offices in the country, the tie ups with best of drone manufacturers, experience of handling customer requirements of over 3 decades is completely able to service the needs and requirements of customers across the country.

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